Canary Health’s® Building Better Caregivers® (BBC) To Continue Supporting the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ Caregiver Support Program

In line with the federal government’s commitment to Support Family and Friend Caregivers across the U.S., this renewal extends the more than a decade partnership to provide education and support to caregivers of seriously ill or injured Veterans. Canary Health®, a leader in peer-led digital therapeutics, today announced its continued partnership with the U.S. Department […]

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Health Net® Collaborates with Canary Health® to offer Free Online Caregiver Support Program

We are pleased to announce a collaboration with Health Net®, one of California’s most experienced health plans and a wholly owned subsidiary of Centene Corporation, to provide an evidence-based, online, six-week, peer-to-peer education and support program for caregivers. The Building Better Caregivers® (BBC) program digitally supports caregivers to improve their and care recipients’ outcomes. The […]

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Constance’s Story: Building Better Caregivers® Gave Me the Opportunity to Live Again

Constance cares for her husband with PTSD and a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). She was struggling on a daily basis and didn’t know if she could go on. Then she reached out to Building Better Caregivers. She found connection, support and learned to live again with support from the Building Better Caregivers 6-week online workshop.“Before […]

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Canary Health® Offers Free Support & Training for California Caregivers

Canary Health® joins 78 other California organizations providing education and support to over 1,750 family/friend caregivers and paid caregivers in California.  We are proud Building Better Caregivers®(BBC), our evidence-based, virtual, 6-week, peer-to-peer intervention received the recognition it deserved by the State of California as we expand our services beyond the US Veterans Affairs program.   […]

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Renee’s Story: Building Better Caregivers® Gave Me the Opportunity to Talk to Others Who Understood

Renee cares for her husband with PTSD. Before participating in Building Better Caregivers (BBC), she never took time for herself. ​​”Through the program I learned I’m not good to anyone else unless I’m good to me. BBC gave me the resources to help manage my stress and take care of my husband. It saved our […]

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Canary Health® Partners with CaringBridge®

In an effort to reach more caregivers, Canary Health’s caregiver focused Building Better Caregivers®(BBC) program and CaringBridge®, a free, personal, protected communications  platform that provides a simple solution for updating your community on the loved one in your care, have teamed up to reach more veteran caregivers to deliver the tools and support they need […]

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Facilitator Val Talks Stronger Participation in Online Digital Support Programs & the Benefits of a Peer Facilitator

Facilitator Val, having gone through cancer as a child and experiencing first hand what caregiving looks like, shares how that experience, along with the caregiving she has given to her family over the years, has helped her relate better as a peer to participants in the Canary Health Building Better Caregivers program, than if she […]

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Facilitator Thelma Shares the Benefits of Having a Peer Facilitator in Canary Health’s Online Caregiver Workshops

Thelma, a participant in and now a facilitator for Building Better Caregivers® (BBC) online workshops shares the value of peer support facilitators vs workshops led by non-peer facilitators. She explains how it improves the health and well-being of Canary Health’s workshop participants, and how outcomes of the caregiver and their patient improve.   Schedule A […]

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Canary Health Facilitator Robin Shares Her Perspective As A Participant, And Teaching Proactive Care

Meet Robin, also known as DesertBlu. Robin was a caregiver to her mom and dad for over 10 years. During that time she signed up for Building Better Caregivers®(BBC) and Better Choices, Better Health®(BCBH). Later she became a Canary Health® facilitator for BBC and BCBH to stress the importance of proactive care. Listen to her […]

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BBC Caregiver Stories: The Case For Caregiver Peer Support

Building Better Caregivers® (BBC) participants often discover they’re not alone in facing the challenges of caregiving. The nature of around-the-clock caregiving can take a toll on the health of family caregivers, impacting their caregiving capacity, and even sending them to the hospital.  Employers, health plans, and families are impacted by the increase in healthcare costs […]

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Canary Health® Increases Focus On Peer-led Programs For Adults With Chronic Diseases And Programs For Caregivers

Los Angeles, CA – January 25, 2022– Canary Health®,  a leader in the creation and distribution of digital therapeutics, will expand its efforts to improve the health of adults with chronic conditions through our program Better Choices, Better Health® and our caregiver program Building Better Caregivers® .  As part of this enhanced focus, Canary Health […]

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Daily Acts of Self-Care Can Ease Caregiving Stress

By Lee Woodruff, AARP Most caregivers have a complicated relationship with self-care. We keep a polite smile on when someone (usually not actively caregiving) tells us, “Make sure you take care of yourself, too!” Sure. Of course. Easier said than done.   So how do you find ways to incorporate very specific actions and physical […]

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What Family Caregivers Need: Findings from Listening Sessions

By Eileen J. Tell, Mph; Pamela Nadash, Phd;Marc A. Cohen, Phd   This report is one of two components of the RAISE Family Caregivers Act. Family caregivers were provided multiple forums to express their needs and challenges, thoughts and concerns.  This report identifies findings from the forums and identify the specific services, supports or policy […]

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Paula’s Story: Finding Time For Herself

November is National Family Caregivers Month in honor of all that caregivers do. But despite caregiving around the clock, caregivers are so much more. Building Better Caregivers®(BBC) graduate Paula cares for her husband, a Vietnam Vet with diabetes, Parkinson’s, heart disease and dementia. Before taking BBC, Paula had no time for herself. After the workshop, her […]

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Diane’s Story: Becoming A Better Caregiver

Diane looked forward to retiring when her husband retired, imagining they would enjoy a life of traveling together. Her husband’s unexpected diagnosis changed their plans however, but it didn’t throw a wrench in them. Find out how she approaches caregiving for her husband after taking the Building Better Caregivers® (BBC) 6-week online workshop. Watch How Diane Became a Better […]

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Mary’s Story: Participant of Building Better Caregivers®

Mary, Caregiver for her son, shares how the Building Better Caregivers® online workshop helped her better manage the challenges of caregiving for her Veteran. See how support from Caregivers and trained leaders in the BBC workshop helped her take time for herself, and make progress on her path to  wellness for her Vet.

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Caring for Caregivers: Bridging the Gap Between Family Caregiving Policy and Practice

By Venus Wong, PhD, BCBA, Sarah Rosenbaum, MD, MPH, Winnie Sung, MBChB,Robert M. Kaplan, PhD, Nicholas Bott, PhD, Terry Platchek, MD, Arnold Milstein, MD,Nirav R. Shah, MD, MPH   We were pleased to see our Building Better Caregivers® (BBC) program as part of a New England Journal of Medicine catalyst publication where the authors present […]

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Facilitator Pat Discusses How the Better Choices, Better Health® (BCBH) Program Changed Her Life & the Life of Participants

Having been a facilitator on Better Choices, Better Health(BCBH)®for many years, and prior a participant in the BCBH program, Pat has a deep understanding of how an online group workshop led by peer facilitators who have been in their shoes, can truly have a positive impact on their health.   “Participants often say (after diagnosis), […]

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Op-Ed: Getting Past Disease to the Science of Wellness

Abridged version by Neal Kaufman, originally written by Leroy Hood appearing in the LA Times   “America was sick before COVID-19 struck. The pandemic has made our national sickness more acute and illustrated the critical importance of “wellness” in preventing disease and optimizing health. We know this because COVID disproportionately impacted people with chronic illness […]

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Food for Thought: Resilience Is the Courage to Grow from Stress

By Wendy Wood   Resilience is the courage to grow from stress. But, how do we become more proficient at becoming more resilient?   Here are some ideas: Resilience is: the building of our inner resources, and, the identification of reliable external resources. Resilience is: self-confidence that supports fear-management. Resilience is: the ability to stabilize […]

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Interview with BCBH & BBC Facilitator Maria Pfeiffer

By Carrie Pittman   Maria Pfeiffer was a student studying behavior change models including the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) when she was unexpectedly diagnosed with a chronic condition. The intersection of her life’s work and her personal life was illuminated by the benefits of peer support — the very foundation of her studies.   […]

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Data Storytelling : Turning Research Insights into Relatable Content

By Katy Plant & Corina Paraschiv   Managing pain is one of the most desired skills mentioned, as identified in our most recent survey with chronically ill patients. Over the past few months, we have taken this insight further by identifying underlying goals and motivations of individuals living with chronic pain. You may, in fact, […]

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Building Better Caregivers ® – Barbara’s Story

Barbara, a full-time Caretaker for her husband with a cognitive impairment, learned how to be a better Caregiver after taking the Building Better Caregivers® 6-week online workshop. Resources, new techniques improving communication, and support from other Caregivers helped her to better manage her emotional and physical health.

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Beth’s Story: Sharing with Others Made Me Feel Good

OEBB Moda member Beth shares how the Better Choices, Better Health® (BCBH) online workshop has helped her better manage her chronic conditions through sharing with others in the program. “This program approaches participants from the heart. I appreciated the support of the facilitators. I enjoyed hearing others share their challenges, as it was comforting to […]

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BREAKING NEWS: Health Net® Collaborates with Canary Health® to offer Free Online Caregiver Support Program Latest News
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