Insights from DTx West

DTx West took place at the end of February and serves as a great reminder of just how far the broader industry and the digital therapeutics segment have come.  Topics included the regulatory environment and pathways for digital therapeutics, commercialization strategies, and partnership approaches.

I had the good fortune to moderate an incredible panel with Ed Cox of dThera, Pablo Pantaleoni of Headspace Health, and Dave Stevenson, Merck Global Health Innovation Fund.  See the picture to prove it – and yes I grew a beard for those who have not seen me.

The panel discussed why so many companies are increasing and/or shifting their focus to digital therapeutics.  Ed discussed how receiving FDA Breakthrough status instantly allowed them to focus healthcare go-to-market strategies as opposed to direct-to-consumer.  Pablo shared insights into how Headspace is hoping to leverage its unique program and large consumer footprint into services directly for healthcare.  And Dave shared insights across the broad Merck portfolio.

And a quick plug – the now semi-annual DTx series of events is an incredible way to keep up with the rapidly expanding and changing industry.  Hope to see you all in September in Boston.

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