Peer-Reviewed Study Proves Canary Health’s BCBH®-D Decreases Patient Costs and Emergency Room Visits, and Improves Outcomes
The Stanford-Anthem Study, one of the largest peer-reviewed studies of a digital and community-based diabetes self-management program, recently published results in the Journal of Medical Internet Research. Canary Health’s digital therapeutics program Better Choices, Better Health® – Diabetes (BCBH-D) significantly decreases patient costs and improves outcomes. Following are the findings demonstrating significant clinical impact, including a 1.27% reduction in A1C at 12 months for those with elevated A1C at baseline. The newly published results show:
- BCBH-D reduces all-cause healthcare utilization and costs in the year post intervention
- BCBH-D significantly reduces Emergency department inpatient and outpatient services utilization
- BCBH-D reduced total healthcare costs by $815 in the year post intervention
in Healthcare